One of the best things at XLRI is the level of interaction students enjoy with the faculty. We witnessed it yet again when marketing guru, Professor Sharad Sarin conducted yoga sessions for us.
We started our program here at XLRI with yoga sessions during our orientation week and now at the fag end of it we were doing it again. But this time our guru was a person who had just completed 37 glorious years at XLRI.
Every day for an hour in the morning, the professor would show up at the GMP lawns to practice yoga with enthusiastic students. The Professor's enthusiasm and energy were as infectious as his lectures and the yoga sessions were a big respite from the daily grind.
Every session ended with yogic jogging - a 5 minute intensive workout - which the master claims is as effective as a brisk walk for an hour. Though we managed to catch up with the Prof's pace, it was impossible to do it the way he did - with a smile on his face throughout the arduous workout!!
B-School had turned most of us into nocturnal creatures but the yoga sessions gave us the much needed chance to sniff the mornings. The sessions were refreshing and fun. We tried to master the art of twisting our bodies at odd angles and now can we do a mean yoga session on our own. But I must warn - all this comes at the price of awkward attempts in front of your batch mates and most of the sessions were replete with giggles and groans!!
Yoga demands strength and flexibility, the two qualities which life also demands. It was an awesome experience doing yoga with Professor Sharad Sarin.
Thank you Professor!
Anu Senan and Gaurav Mittal
GMP Co2013

Sookshma Vyayam |

Pawan-muktasana |
Suryanamaskar |
Matsyendrasana |
Gomukhasana |
Vajrasana |
Bhramari Pranayama |
Anulom-Vilom Pranayama |
Markatasana |
Sarvangasana |
Shalabhasana |
Yogi Jogging |
Shavasana |